Click for helpTechnical support

If you have any problems while installing or using Apocalypse 3Dx, go through these steps:

1. Before you continue...

Make sure the card is correctly inserted in your machine.
Read the
Troubleshooting pages.

2. If you still have a problem...

Install the latest drivers.

3. If your drivers are up to date...

Read the Frequently Asked Questions.

4. After reading the FAQs...

Check out our support notes.

5. If the support notes don't help...

Upgrade to the Windows 95 Service Release 1.
(This can cure instability in original Windows 95 systems)

6. If you still have a problem...

Send a technical support request form to one of our support teams in:

These request forms are on our web site, so make sure your Internet connection is ready before you open them.

7. If you want to contact technical support direct...

Use one of our technical support services.